Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Welcome! ¡Bienvenidos!

Welcome to our website! Here you will be able to view many things that are related to our pregnancy! Keep reading on to see what is available for you to see:

  • My pregnancy journal Updated periodically!
  • Our ultrasound pictures
  • Pictures of my belly growing week by week
  • Pictures of things bought/given to Baby Salazar
  • And much, much more!

To navigate this site, as I am pretty sure that I cannot make separate pages, follow the directions below:

  • To the lower right of your screen as you scroll down, there are links that I have made. There are two headings: My Pregnancy and Baby's Corner. Each link that you can click on is in the color lavender. Choose which one you want and go from there! :)

To answer your burning question lol, you are probably curious as to why I am setting up my Blogger website like this. Reason why is because I cannot create separate pages and because I didn't want my pictures to be mixed up with the journal, etc. etc. :-)

And just to clear anything up, as I have been asked before, the baby's name IS NOT "Salazar." That is the baby's last name. We actually have decided not to name the baby until after it is born and we see his face for the first time.

Any more questions? Feel free to ask or comment me!

Until then,
